Monday, 18 July 2011

General Dental Council Part 2

I forgot to write that Capsticks, the GDC's lawyers, made a late application for the uncorroborated patient complaints (ie all of them except 3) to be included in the Committe bundle- it seems that normally they wouldn't be. My lawyers did not oppose this application, so that's at least fifty pages of A4 which make me look bad staring us in the face every time every time we open the folder. The PCT opinions, which rightly describe the same patient complaints as evidence of my innocence, are of course nowhere to be seen. The first page of the bundle is an old letter in which I describe DP as 'useless bastards'- so much for a united front.

While reading the following posts, please remember that I have been judged more harshly than dentists who have knowingly committed serious and extensive fraud both at work and outside it, and than the pathologist whose negligence was an indirect cause of the violent death of a vulnerable woman at the hands of a serial killer. One dentist was convicted for possession of child pornography and had no action taken against him. The dentist who was struck off for the deviant and highly unusual act of having consensual sex in the workplace seems to be more in my boat.

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