Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The Behaviour of the Staff

I write about this here because I am coming to my cross-examination by Mr Cosgrove, and because it is pertinent to the clinical failures which I have not written about at length- there isn't much to say. On starting work at the practice, it became clear that one particular member of staff had it in for me. Her influence was entirely disproportionate because she worked with the most senior dentist in the practice, who wasn't my employer. I had to work in their dental surgery for an hour each week because it was the only one with disabled access. Her, and the member of staff who I previously identified whose relatives kept attending and kept complaining about me, were the cause of my downfall and were so because between them they-

1. Colluded with patients to generate complaints (cf Shropshire County PCT). Even just one or two a month will escalate into a serious problem.
2. Used a dentist's private login while I was absent from the surgery to write on patient's notes that they were to be transferred.
3. Shouted at a dentist while he was trying to treat patients.
4. Lied to the dentist's employer about the most serious matters of conduct, encompassing everything except fraud and indecency eg the fabricated allegations of physical abuse of chidren, and racism.
5. Lengthy and frequent absences from the surgery while the dentist has a full list of patients (pertinent to the clinical failures).
6. Kept a diary which again contained uncorroborated and entirely false allegations.
7. Somebody (I do not know who) informed 'patients' of the most private information supposedly known only to my employer, concerning previous contact with police and mental health issues. (This is one certain example of god knows what malicious gossip they were spreading in the town).
8. Informed my employer, in the public setting of a dental practice, that I had caused serious harm to patients elsewhere in the practice when no such harm had occurred.
9. Initiated a catastrophic loss of trust between my employer and I by means of the behaviour above. My employer kept a paper trail long enough to hang an army, never mind a dentist whose supposed indemnifiers were more interested in preserving their own reputations than in helping me. The malign influence of these two members of staff turned my employer against me, whereupon the other staff, with whom I had had perfectly satisfactory relations for a year, turned as well.

Each one of these behaviours (except the shouting, because I did not keep substantial records and if I had they wouldn't have been believed anyway) can be verified from the evidence, and the PCT were absolutely certain that the staff were behaving in this way.

So why? If the reader thinks that I provoked them into it, please read the 'some philosophical questions' post again. They certainly weren't asked at the PCC. Were DP unable to understand, or did they take my employer's side because he had paid them more money than I had? Was it not understood that the behaviour above was bullying and intimidation of the most foul nature because I am male and the staff female? If I had been of BME background, would DP, Mr Fortune and the GDC have displayed the same bovine incomprehension in relation to this? I have many more questions, but I must state again the consequences for me-1. Loss of job 2. Loss of livelihood 3. Unbelievable stress and heartache over a period of five years now.

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